Tax Resolution
Do You Owe Back Tax?
Unfiled Tax Returns? Under Audit? Levies? Pay Garnishment? Payroll (941) Tax Issues? Innocent Spouse Relief? Undeclared Foreign Bank Accounts?
Is the IRS demanding full payment or demanding a Payment Plan you can't afford?
Does the IRS claim you owe more than you legally owe? Investment fraud scam? Other tax problem?
Want to Settle Your Tax Debt for Less?
Resolve your tax problems and start
getting a good night’s sleep.
The IRS is a super creditor and can take steps that no other creditor can to collect what they claim you owe. They can garnish your income, wipe out bank accounts, sell off your assets and even drain your IRA accounts.
That's why it is important to get an experienced representative on your side who knows the tax code and the processes to negotiate a resolution. Our role is to work with you to pay the least amount of tax legally allowable and to use all the procedures available to present the IRS with the law and the facts of your case to get the correct result. If you owe tax, we negotiate a plan depending on your financial circumstances and the tax due.
Our clients are Individual Taxpayers, Corporations, Self-employed
and Small to Medium Sized Businesses.
To find out how we can assist you, call us for your free initial consulation
+ 1 (847) 742-8386
The IRS said we owed $70,000. We came to get into an affordable payment plan. It turns out that we didn't owe the tax.
Jason N.
Our business went under in the recession. We didn't know that the IRS could come after us personally for the payroll taxes. Based on our situation, the IRS accepted an Offer In Compromise for a fraction of the tax debt.
Auggie M.
My husband ran his own business. Because we filed jointly, the IRS said I was liable for the additional tax when an audit disallowed expenses he had taken. They stuck with me to resolve both the federal and the state tax issues.
Vera E.
We Can Help
We help prepare for an audit and represent you before the IRS. It is not necessary for you to attend the audit. If there are issues with the documentation, we can help you determine the potential impact. Additionally, there maybe alternative documentation that we can suggest. If you need help to pull together books, we can work with your tax professionals or our staff can prepare them.
There are several different types of IRS programs where the IRS agrees to accept a settlement of less than the full tax liability to settle the tax debt once and for all. We review your case to determine if you qualify for any of these options.
If you cannot afford to pay your taxes in full, you may be eligible for a payment plan allowing you to pay the tax over time. In some cases, a partial payment plan allows you to pay less than the full amount of the tax due over time. A payment plan stops all other IRS collection actions and releases levies and garnishments.
The IRS takes action swiftly and brutally when payroll taxes are not paid. Because these taxes were held in trust for the benefit of the government, they have special procedures to make many people personally liable to repay the tax. We have experience in helping companies and individuals get to a solution in resolving their tax problem, but quick action needs to be taken.
We help you get tax returns up-to-date. This is important because the IRS will not look at Offers in Compromise or other payment options until you are up-to-date with your filings. Additionally, if an Offer in Compromise is the route we take, we want all the tax debt included in the offer.
The IRS's right to collect tax debt expires after 10 years, unless the IRS files a lawsuit. We review your tax liability to determine the date the IRS can no longer collect.
The tax code includes income from all sources. Even foreign accounts earning small amounts of interest need to be declared. The IRS has given priority to identifying foreign accounts that have not been declared and agreements with additional countries are taking effect where they have agreed to turn over account information. Currently, there are options to declare the accounts and avoid potential criminal prosecution. We can help you analyze this option and determine the best way to declare your accounts.
If you are being held liable for a tax debt that your spouse created, there may be options to separate your tax liability from your spouse's. This depends on the fact and circumstances of your case.
If you filed with your spouse and the IRS took your part of the refund for your spouse's previous tax liabilities, you may be able to get your portion of the refund.
Some tax debt is dischargable in bankruptcy. We can analyze your tax debt to determine if bankruptcy would be an option. Sometimes, even if tax debt is not dischargable, it makes sense to manage it through a bankruptcy when you cannot reach an agreement on a repayment plan or an Offer in Compromise. We can review your tax debt to determine if this an option. Our office does not file bankruptcy, we work with your attorney to analyze the dischargability of the tax debt.
A request for information can be made to the IRS to obtain the information used by the IRS to decide to assess taxes and penalties. When appropriate, we request that the IRS provides us with these documents under a Freedom of Information request. This provides insight into why they believe you owe the tax.
When you can't get the IRS to see that your position fits in the tax law, the last option before being assessed is to take it to court. The US Tax court allows us to file a petition within 90 days of the date you receive your Notice of Assessment. We represent clients in tax court and can discuss this option with you.
When you call, we gather information about you situation.
Reviewing your latest IRS notices tells us a lot about the possible next steps. Please have them handy. If you have been notified of an audit, this will help us identify the issues.
If you owe tax, we will also review your current financial situation to determine what options would be best for you. We will review your specific circumstances under the tax laws and tax regulations.
Based on our analysis of the situation, we will review with you the options to resolve your tax issue to pay the least amount of taxes.
If we can't help, we will tell you.
If we take your case, we will layout a plan and provide you with the fee.
Once we take on your case, you will not need to talk with the IRS. We will be work with the IRS on your behalf to execute the plan we have agreed to.